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Concluding Remarks

We have shown that ferroelectric liquid crystals is a non-integrable Hamiltonian system, capable to exhibit chaos and which can be studied in laboratory.

Other real physical systems with these characteristics are the hydrogen atom in an uniform magnetic field, [16], and ballistic electrons in semiconductor micro structures (lateral surface super-lattices), [17], whose chaotic behavior has been intensively studied.

The experimental study of the chaotic molecular configuration of (DOBAMBC) (for example), together with the mathematical methods developed to study chaotic systems, [18, 19], may help us to understand the irregularities experimentally observed in the boundary lines of the tex2html_wrap_inline1955 diagram near the Lifshitz point.

Indeed, the functional dependence of the boundary - lines, on T and tex2html_wrap_inline1937 , obtained from the stability analysis, is valid only bellow a critical field tex2html_wrap_inline2103 , beyond which the chaotic solutions are dominant. The form of these lines are related with the eigenvalues of the stability matrix. In the chaotic region, these eigenvalues are very sensitive to the initial conditions and their fluctuations generates the multifractal structure of the Poincaré section [20]. Thus the computation of the Liapunov exponents, [21], for the present Hamiltonian will be very useful in the description of the phase diagram in the neighbourhood of the Lifshitz point.

Another aspect that we want to call attention is for the universality in the transition to chaos.

It is well established experimentally that the universal cross over exponent (that govern the tex2html_wrap_inline2073 - line, near the Lifshitz points) is tex2html_wrap_inline2209 , [22], according to renormalization theory for critical phenomenon.

We observe that the quasi-periodic transition to chaos with the breakup of the KAM torus is just the reminiscence of the second order phase transition in critical phenomenon. Then we expect that the renormalization scheme for area - preserving maps, [23, 24], as for example the standard map



at tex2html_wrap_inline2215 , for the golden frequency tex2html_wrap_inline2217 , may furnish the correct behavior of the boundaries near the Lifshitz point.

The global mode - locking of the map at tex2html_wrap_inline2219 for different values of tex2html_wrap_inline2221 , should put in evidence the Hamiltonian Devil's Staircase in ferroelectric liquid crystals.

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Kleber Mundim
Wed Jul 16 04:45:35 CDT 1997