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Geometry Optimization and Conformational Analysis through
Generalized Simulated Annealing

Kleber C. MUNDIM

Instituto de Química, UnB, Caixa Postal 4478

Brasília, DF, 70904-970, Brasil


Constantino TSALLIS

Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas Rua Xavier Sigaud, 150

22290-180 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil


On statistical-mechanical grounds, a stochastic optimization technique ( Generalized Simulated Annealing) has been recently proposed which contains both Simulated Annealing (Kirkpatrick et al 1983) and Fast Simulated Annealing (Szu 1986) as particular cases. This technique can be faster than both in detecting global (and also local) minima. Its utility in quantum chemistry is here illustrated, through the use of a semi-empirical quantum method, on molecules of the series CH tex2html_wrap_inline185 R (C tex2html_wrap_inline187tex2html_wrap_inline189 , CH tex2html_wrap_inline191 COH, CH tex2html_wrap_inline191 OH) , H tex2html_wrap_inline187tex2html_wrap_inline187 (H tex2html_wrap_inline187tex2html_wrap_inline201tex2html_wrap_inline187tex2html_wrap_inline187 ), X tex2html_wrap_inline187tex2html_wrap_inline209 (N tex2html_wrap_inline187tex2html_wrap_inline209 , P tex2html_wrap_inline187tex2html_wrap_inline209 , N tex2html_wrap_inline187tex2html_wrap_inline209 ), for double bonds (C tex2html_wrap_inline187tex2html_wrap_inline209 and CH tex2html_wrap_inline187 NH) and finally for H tex2html_wrap_inline187tex2html_wrap_inline191 .

Keywords: Generalized Simulated Annealing; Generalized Statistical Mechanics; Molecular Conformations; Geometry Optimization

Kleber Mundim